12 Tips for a Bulletproof Resume

12 Tips for a Bulletproof Resume

By Noelle Capobianco and Sophia Demetriades



The resume is the key ingredient to get an employer to notice you in hopes for landing that dream job or internship. It therefore has to be done to perfection to stand out from the crowd. The purpose of a résumé is to get you an interview and to communicate your message as clear and as fast as possible.


Here are 12 of the most useful and important tips that will allow you to gain the attention of a potential employer.


1. Highlight your features and benefits

It is great to put your greatest strengths and characteristics within the profile of the resume to let the employer know your attributes. Yet, for the employer to engage with these qualities you need to highlight these features or qualities and connect them to real world situations so the employer can understand how these qualities can benefit them or the company which will make you seem more credible. List them up top, and make an effort to discover what your key strengths and benefits are through personality testing and asking people around you.


2. Use bullet points

Companies and employers receive so many resumes on a daily basis that they skim through each resume in 15 seconds and without reading it thoroughly, highlighting the main points. This means they may miss essential information when the resume is written in sentences. Bullet points should be used to highlight your profile, education, experience, skills and professional objectives when writing a resume to make it easier for the employer to read and gain the necessary information. Only include in a bullet point what must be in that bullet point and go through it with a fine tooth comb. No more than 8 words to a bullet point. 3-5 is great.


3. Put the most important information first

Putting the most important information first in the resume and within each section allows the employer to read what you can offer to the job even if they may skim through your resume. Within most resumes, work experience is considered the most important section of the resume so it should be put after your profile and objectives. When noting your skills, experiences and certifications, list the most important ones first.


4. Attention to typography

No company or employer wants to read a resume where the font is too small to read as it makes it too difficult. Font at least 11 in size is the minimum for it to be easily read. You also do not need to put capital letters everywhere, only when it needs to be used to convey information easier. Use numbers when applicable to avoid the resume looking too wordy. No pronouns should be used within a resume such as “I” or “me” as the resume is about your character. Also be weary of spelling and punctuation, as these are easy things to miss for it to be easily readable. Bad grammar in your resume tells the employer you may be a sloppy employee…


5. Fine formatting

The format of the resume should be neat, organized and clean. It has to be easily read for the employer. Name should always be at the top, email and phone number as a subheading under it so the employer knows who they are reading about. Headings are needed in resumes for each section such as profile, work experience, education, skills, achievements, certificates, qualifications and referees and then bullet points under each section will make it neater and cleaner. It also lets the employer find the section they want to find easier and readily. You can also use lines under each section or minimal color to make it look visually appealing but keep it to a minimal to make it clean and neat. Just make sure it is organized and clear. A messy looking resume tells the employer you may be a messy employee…


6. No negative language

In a resume you want to stress your greatest strengths and qualities to land an interview therefore no negative language or inferences should be used. You do not need to include information that may suggest any weaknesses, incompetence or dislikes. This is relevant for the resume cover letter and interview. Always turn it into a positive.


7.  Sell yourself honestly

You need to use all the marketing you can in your resume from the language used to the typography, layout and format in order to gain the attention of employees. You do not need to over exaggerate any information that diminishes the line between truth and exhaustion. Remember all HR departments do background checks so sell yourself with integrity and highlight your best assets that you can contribute.


8. Update your resume regularly and customise it to the job in question

Updating your resume regularly will make sure that you have not missed any information and it keeps it current. Most importantly, updating the information regarding the skills, work experience, training and certification that you may receive along the way will allow you to keep track of what you have accomplished so it is not missed out. It will also save you a lot of time when seeking jobs in the future.


9. How to list

Using bullet points as mentioned is necessary to keep it clean and simply and to communicate the message clearly. When listing previous job experiences certain elements need to be included. These are the company name, the start and end date, your position there, dot points of responsibilities and achievements under that heading. This is the information that employers seek first and find most important, so it has to be done right.


10. Review

Proofread the resume twice and then get another person to read it for you. It is easy to miss a spelling mistake or grammar so proofreading it and then getting someone else to review will minimize any mistakes. It also will make sure that the resume has some flow and is easy to read and conveys a clear message as another person can provide a different perspective.


11. Always include your referees

You should always include your references in your resume and tell them before you start sending it out. If you are worried about sending your referees details out to too many people, you are simply not following the correct search strategy. It shouldn’t be necessary for you to send out your resume to more than max 20 companies to find work.


12. Target your resume

You should be strategic and targeted in your search for employment. Make sure to follow when emailing your resume with at least 1 phone call, showing up in person, posting it in, and following up at least a second time. By doing this you will demonstrate your ambitious and persistent nature that employees seek out. If you are not having luck in your search after 6 weeks looking and contacting more than 20 companies you should get in touch with a career consultant or change your strategy.

Follow these tips and you will be on your way of landing that dream job.

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